

  • 课程编号:2423
  • 课程共 3 集  分辨率:标清  
  • 课程格式:MP4  大小:64 M
  • 最近更新:2023年03月11日



主讲人:钟敏霖,男,教授、博士生导师。国际光电子与激光工程学会(IAPLE)主席(2015-2017)、会士,美国激光学会(LIA)现任秘书和执行董事会成员、会士,《Journal of Laser Applications》资深编辑,Light:Science & Applications (英国自然出版集团)编委,《中国激光》执行主编,《金属热处理》编委,《红外与激光工程》编委。长期从事激光材料加工学术研究,研究方向包括激光微纳制造、激光表面工程技术、激光快速制造和新材料制备。承担与完成19项国际合作项目,包括英国皇家工程院、中德科学中心以及美、英、德、法、日知名企业的国际合作项目;承担或完成973、国家自然基金重大国际合作项目、重点项目、面上项目及企业合作项目等40余项,多项研究成果在企业成功应用。发表论文300余篇,专著3本,授权申请专利20余项。

2. 激光制备新材料技术研究:激光合成制备硬质合金研究、激光合成制备金属间化合物基复合材料研究、激光制备颗粒增强金属基复合材料研究、激光制备层叠结构复合材料研究 ;
3. 激光制备高性能涂层技术研究:激光合金化技术与应用研究激光熔覆技术与应用研究激光熔覆与合金化裂纹机制研究;

中国光学学会高级会员、中国光学学会激光加工专业委员会 第六届委员、常委、秘书长、美国激光学会 会员;
美国激光学会 理事(Member of Board of Directors, LIA, 06-08)、北京光学学会 理事、《金属热处理》 第六届编委;
《激光产品世界》 编委、《中国激光》 审稿人、Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, reviewer、Surface and Coatings Technology, reviewer、Journal of Laser Applications, reviewer;
Materials Letter, reviewer。

1)Gang Ou,, Peixun Fan, Hongjun Zhang, Kai Huang, Cheng Yang, Wen Yu, Hehe Wei, Minlin Zhong*, Hui Wu* and Yadong Li, Large-scale hierarchical oxide nanostructures for high-performance electrocatalytic water splitting, Nano Energy, March, 2017, 35:207-214 (IF 11.553)
2)Lei Wang, Zhuo Wang, Hai-Yu Wang, Gustavo Grinblat, Yu-Li Huang, Dan Wang, Xiao-Hui Ye, Xian-Bin Li, Qiaoliang Bao, AndrewThye-Shen Wee, Stefan A. Maier, Qi-Dai Chen1, Min-Lin Zhong, Cheng-Wei Qiu & Hong-Bo Sun, Slow cooling and efficient extraction of C-exciton hot carriers in MoS2 monolayer, Nature Communication, Jan 5, 2017, DOI: 10.1038/ncomms13906 (IF 11.329)
3)Dafa Jiang, Jiangyou Long, Mingyong Cai, Yi Lin, Peixun Fan, Hongjun Zhang, Minlin Zhong*, Femtosecond Laser Fabricated Micro/nano Interface Structures toward Enhanced Bonding Strength and Heat Transfer Capability of W/Cu Joining, Materials & Design, Nov 25, 2016, 114(2017) 185-193 (IF 3.997)
4)Jiangyou Long, Peixun Fan, Dafa Jiang, Jinpeng Han, Yi Lin, Mingyong Cai, Hongjun Zhang, Minlin Zhong*,Anisotropic Sliding of Water Droplets on the Superhydrophobic Surfaces with Anisotropic Groove-like Micro/nano structures, Advanced Materials Interfaces, November 2016, DOI: 10.1002/admi.201600641 (IF 3.365)
5)Peixun Fan, Hui Wu, Minlin Zhong*, Hongjun Zhang, Benfeng Baib and Guofan Jin, Large-scale cauliflower-shaped hierarchical copper nanostructures for efficient photothermal conversion, Nanoscale, July 11, 2016, 8, 14617-14624, (IF 7.76)
6)Dingwei Gong, Jiangyou Long, Dafa Jiang, Peixun Fan, Hongjun Zhang, Lin Li, and Minlin Zhong*, Robust and Stable Transparent Superhydrophobic Polydimethylsiloxane Films by Duplicating via a Femtosecond Laser-Ablated Template, ACS Applied Materials & Interface, June 20, 2016, 8(27): 17511-17518 (IF: 7.145)
7)Dafa Jiang,Peixun Fan,Dingwei Gong,Jiangyou Long, Hongjun Zhang Minlin Zhong*, High-temperature imprinting and Superhydrophobicity of Micro/nano Surface Structures on Metals Using Molds Fabricated by Ultrafast Laser Ablation, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, May 8, 2016, 236, 56-63 (IF 2.359 )
8)Peixun Fan,* Minlin Zhong,* Benfeng Bai, Guofan Jinb and Hongjun Zhang,Large scale and cost effective generation of 3D self-supporting oxide nanowire architectures by a top-down and bottom-up combined approach, RSC Advances, May 4, 2016, 6, 45923 – 45930 (IF 3.289)
9)Jiangyou Long, Lin Pan, Peixun Fan, Dingwei Gong, Dafa Jiang, Hongjun Zhang, Lin Li, Minlin Zhong*, Cassie-state Stability of Metallic Superhydrophobic Surfaces with Various Micro/nano Structures produced by femtosecond laser, Langmuir 2016,32,1065-1072, 01/2016; DOI:10.1021/acs.langmuir.5b04329(IF 3.993)
10)Peixun Fan; Minlin Zhong; Benfeng Bai; Guofan Jin; Hongjun Zhang, Tuning the optical reflection property of metal surfaces via micro-nano particle structures fabricated by ultrafast laser, Applied Surface Science, October 22, 2015, 359:7-13 (IF 2.711)
11)Xi Luo, Hongjun Zhang, Wei Pan, Jianghong Gong, Bilal Khalid, Minlin Zhong*and Hui Wu*, SiOx Nanodandelion by Laser Ablation for Anode of Lithium-Ion Battery, Small, Dec 2 2015, 11(45):6009-6012), DOI: 10.1002/smll.201502539 (IF 8.368)
12)Fan, Peixun; Bai, Benfeng; Long, Jiangyou; Jiang, Dafa; Jin, Guofan; Zhang, Hongjun; Zhong, Minlin, Broadband high performance infrared antireflection nanowires facilely grown on ultrafast laser structured Cu surface”, Nano Letters, August 2015, DOI:10.1021/acs.nanolett.5b02141 (IF 13.59)
13)Xiaohui Ye, Zhe Lin, Hongjun Zhang, Hongwei Zhu, Zhu Liu, MinlinZhong, Protecting carbon steel from corrosion by laser in situ grown graphene films, Carbon, July 2015, 94: 326-334 (IF 6.196)
14)Zhe Lin, Xiaohui Ye, Jinpeng Han, Qiao Chen, Peixun Fan, Hongjun Zhang, Dan Xie, Hongwei Zhu, Minlin Zhong, Precise Control of the Number of Layers of Graphene by Picosecond Laser Thinning, Scientific Report, June 26, 2015, 5:11662, DOI:10.1038/srep11662 (IF 5.578)
15)Long, Jiangyou; Fan, Peixun; Gong, Dingwei; Jiang, Dafa; Zhang, Hongjun; Li, Lin; Zhong, Minlin*, Superhydrophobic Surfaces Fabricated by Femtosecond Laser with Tunable Water Adhesion From Lotus Leaf to Rose Petal, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, April 23, 2015, 7:9858-9876 (IF 6.723)
16)Xiaohui Ye; Feng Yu, Michele Curioni, Zhe Lin, Hongjun Zhang, Hongwei Zhu, Zhu Liu, Minlin Zhong, Corrosion resistance of graphene directly and locally grown on bulk nickel substrate by laser Irradiation, RSC Advances 04/2015, 5: 35384-35390, (IF 3.84)
17)Dingwei Gong, Jiangyou Long, Peixun Fan, Dafa Jiang, Hongjun Zhang, Minlin Zhong*, Thermal stability of micro-nano structures and superhydrophobicity of polytetrafluoroethylene films formed by hot embossing via a picosecond laser ablated template, Applied Surface Science, March 15, 2015, 331:437-443 (IF 2.711)
18)Jiangyou Long, Minlin Zhong*, Hongjun Zhang, Peixun Fan, Superhydrophilicity to Superhydrophobicity Transition of Picosecond Laser Microstructured Aluminum in ambient air, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, March 1, 2015, 441:1-9 (IF 3.368)
19)Jiangyou Long, Peixun Fan, Minlin Zhong*, Hongjun Zhang, Yongde Xie, Chen Lin, Superhydrophobic and Colorful Copper Surfaces Fabricated by Picosecond Laser Induced Periodic Nanostructures, Applied Surface Science, Aug 30 2014, 311:461-467 (IF 2.538)
20)Dafa Jiang, Chen Hong, Minlin Zhong, Moritz Alkhayat, Andreas Weisheit, Andres Gasser, Hongjun Zhang, Ingomar Kelbassa, Reinhart Poprawe, Fabrication of nano-TiCp reinforced Inconel 625 composite coatings by partial dissolution of micro-TiCp through laser cladding energy input control, Surface and Coatings Technology, June 25, 2014, 249:125-131 (IF 2.199)
21)Peixun Fan, Minlin Zhong, Lin Li, Patrick Schmitz, Cheng Lin, Jiangyou Long, and Hongjun Zhang, Angle-independent colorization of copper surfaces by simultaneous generation of picosecond-laser-induced nanostructures and redeposited nanoparticles, Journal of Applied Physics, March 28, 2014, 115:124302 (IF 2.185)
22)Xiaohui Ye, Jiangyou Long, Zhe Lin, Hongjun Zhang, Hongwei Zhu, and Minlin Zhong*, Direct Laser Fabrication of Large-area and Patterned Graphene at Room Temperature, Carbon, March 2014, 68:784-790 (IF 6.16)
23)Peixun Fan, Minlin ZHONG, Lin Li, Patrick Schmitz, Cheng Lin, Jiangyou Long, and Hongjun Zhang, Sequential color change on copper surfaces via micro/nano structure modification induced by a picosecond laser, Journal of Applied Physics, August 28, 2013, 114, 083518 (IF 2.21)
24)Xiaohui Ye, Ting Huang, Zhe Lin, Minlin Zhong, Lin Li, Yinzhou Yan,Hongwei Zhu, Lap joining of graphene flakes by current-assisted CO2 laser irradiation, CARBON, June 28, 2013, 61: 329-335 (IF 5.868)
25)Zhe Lin, Ting Huang, Xiaohui Ye, Minlin Zhong, Lin Li, Juan Jiang, Wen Zhang, Lili Fan, Hongwei Zhu,Thinning of large-area graphene film from multilayer to bilayer with low-power CO2 laser, Nanotechnology, June 12, 2013, 24(27): 275302 (IF 3.979)
26)Peixun Fan, Minlin ZHONG, Lin Li, Ting Huang, Hongjun Zhang, Rapid fabrication of surface micro/nano structures with enhanced broadband absorption on Cu by picosecond laser, Optics Express, May 20, 2013, 21(10): 11628-37 (IF 3.546)

学院介绍:清华大学(Tsinghua University)是国家“211工程”、“985工程”建设大学,是中国顶尖学府C9联盟,以及东亚研究型大学协会、环太平洋大学联盟、清华大学—剑桥大学—麻省理工学院低碳能源大学联盟等国际组织的重要成员。在百余年间,清华以其卓越的人才培养和学术贡献,取得了举世瞩目的成就,并赢得了社会的广泛赞誉。


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